Event Schedule - FRIDAY (6/21)
Meet at Somerville High School (Highland Ave). Limited parking available on site - walk, run, jump, bike, or take the T (Gilman Square, Green Line)!
Friday Training Locations:
1) Somerville High School
2) The Dojo @ Somernova
12:00 - Check-in (Somerville High School)
12:45PM - Warmup
1:45PM - Intro Sessions
3:00PM - Specialist Sessions
4:15PM - Explore Session
5:30PM Cool Down (Somerville High School)
* 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM Ghost Pass Challenge (Ghost Pass Attendees only)* @ The Dojo @ Somernova
Event Schedule - SATURDAY (6/22) Adults & Teens
Meet at Somerville High School (Highland Ave). Limited parking available on site - walk, run, jump, bike, or take the T (Gilman Square, Green Line)!
Saturday Training Locations:
1) Somerville High School
2) The Dojo @ Somernova
8:00AM - Check-in (Somerville High School)
9:00AM - Warmup (Somerville High School)
10:15AM - Session A
11:30AM - Session B
12:30PM - LUNCH - Visit Our Sponsors!
2:00PM - Group Photo
2:30PM - Session C
4:00PM - Session D
5:30PM - Micro Challenges
6:00PM - Cool Down (Somerville High School)
* 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM Ghost Pass Challenge (Ghost Pass Attendees only)* @ The Dojo @ Somernova
Event Schedule - SATURDAY (6/22) Kids
Meet at Meet at Somerville High School (Highland Ave). Limited parking available on site - walk, run, jump, bike, or take the T (Gilman Square, Green Line)!
Saturday Training Locations:
8:15 AM - 8:45 AM Registration & Checkin
9:00 AM - 9:45 AM Group Warmup
10:15 AM - 11:00 AM Kids Session A
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM Kids Session B
12:15 PM - 12:45 PM Kids Specialist Session
12:45 PM - 2:00 PM Lunch Break & Open Scaf (*Parents Required)
2:00 PM - 2:15 PM Group Photo & Skochy Giveaways (*End of Kids Event)
2:30 PM - 3:30 PM *Optional - Specialist Block #2
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM *Optional - Session C
5:30 PM - 6:30 PM *Optional - Group Challenges
6:30 PM - 7:00 PM *Optional - Cooldown
* Parents should come for pickup at Lunch. After lunch kids may elect to continue training for the afternoon with the adult/teen groups (accompanied by a parent that is registered, or unaccompanied with PKGB instructor approval).
Event Schedule - SUNDAY (6/23)
Meet below Lechmere T Stop, Cambridge. Limited parking available on site - walk, run, jump, bike, or take the T (Lechmere Station / North Point Station)!
Sunday Training Locations
10:00AM - Warmup (TBA)
11:00AM - Session E
12:30PM - Session F
1:30PM - LUNCH - Visit Our Sponsors!
3:00PM - Session G
4:30PM - Group Challenge (TBA)
5:30PM - Cool Down (TBA)
6:00PM - Final Remarks
7:00PM - Final Dinner @ Nu Kitchen Somerville (Ticket Required - Get yours at the Swirl Store!)